Including Perth, Rottnest, Quokkas, Norseman thru Kalgoorlie, Esperance, Albany, Margaret River, Busselton, then fly to Broome & Cable beach, Camels, Sunsets and Trains (i.e. the Indian Pacific which we had the pleasure of going on in 2017)

NOTE all words in ITALICS were either written on the trip or before we left (labelled HISTORY).
UPDATE 21/5/2008 We have now left Western Australia Flew via Kunnunarra into Darwin (NT) past Lake Argyle Previously - Did superb 16hr trip into the Kimberley thru Fitzroy Crossing to Geikie Gorge and to cap it all they played the Shawshank Redemption on the screen in the 4WD on the way back, bliss! Before that we went into Broome town (35c 2day) and town beach plus lovely meal at Som Thai in eve Spent 2nd day chillin by the pool, ace, 33c again, then caught bus (with other 100 people) to Cable beach and watched the sunset, beyond words, you gotta do it. Flew into Broome, hot 33c @ 8pm after handing back the campervan in Perth @ 1pm, sorted campervan for our Adelaide to Sydney incl Queensland trip Went to Rottnest (Rotto) Island, lovely day. In Freo (Fremantle) for 2 days. Travelled up from Bunbury via Mands (Mandurah) and all the beaches of the City of Rockingham. Stayed in Bunbury. Visited Margs, Prevelly, Yallingup and Busso Margaret River (wine region) after travelling from Northcliffe via Pemberton, Augusta and Leeuwin point where the Southern Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. In Northcliffe stayed at an Eco Caravan Park, where we had our own friendly roos. Plus walked the lovely Valley of the Giants canopy walk. Breathtaking piccies don't do it justice Previously - Albany on the coast, ferore that Jerramungup (26c), travelled over 300k along SH1 in the south thru 'world famous' (supposedly) Fitzgerald River Nat Park Hmmm! Our campsite has a tame roo called Priscilla. Day+ in Esperance (28c) , what a change of colours after red plains we found deep blue oceans and supposedly the whitest sands in the world!. Stayed in Norseman (33c), start of the Eyre Highway across the Nullarbor, alas we aren't doing it! Maybe in another lifetime! Stayed in Kalgoorlie for 2 days (31c but our campervan claimed 38c), Gold mining capital of the outback. We loved K-B, gr8 place! Visited Narembeen Town, then drove 71km straight single tar/dirt track to Great Eastern Highway then 350Kms thru to Coolgardie, where we camped. Hot , tired but enjoyed changing landscape 26c Visited Wave Rock (28c wow!) nr Hyden, camped in Narembeen. Picked up campervan, drove thru the Shire of York to Quairading where we camped, 22c Nice warm days in Perth (24c+) 2nd tram ride out to Burswood etc We like Perth, it has a nice feel Arrived at Hotel (not the best) after long journey, hot and tired. Slept in and then had a gr8 day in Perth , boattrip to Freemantle and Tram trip around town
HISTORY Arrive from Hobart via Melbourne in 9.5hr journey on Jetstar/Quantas 30/4, staying in the Mountway Apartments, Central City Perth Leaving Perth after 3 days city/ 14 days Campervan (Britz Elite) then on 16/5 to fly to Broome. Staying Broome until 21/5 in Ocean Lodge Hotel Cable Beach and have a organised bush trip thru Aboriginal Community North to Geikie Gorge and a Darngku Aboriginal Heritage Cruise Then flying via North Airlines to Darwin touching down at Kununurra
We remember the Geikie Gorge trip, Wave rock at Hyden, the wonderful Broome, Fitzroy crossing, beaches at Esperance and seeing the start of the Nullabor at Norseman. See also our 1995 trip here and we just had to go back for our 4th , but hopefully not final time in 2013, when we did in fact cross the Nullabor! It wasn't we also returned in 2017.
Summary: WESTERN AUSTRALIA 22 days , Day 188-209, 30/4/2008 - 21/5/2008
From our travels, gap year, Western Australia, Nullarbor loop Perth 2 Norseman, 22 days in total, during the period 30 Apr-21 May 2008, in our hired motorhome, bit wobbly in the wind, as 6 berth, upgrade we didn’t want or expect, in 4 parts reconstructed Nov2020, including 204 images being a summary of the much larger collection, covering plus a whole lot more the following,rottnest island, freo, quokkas, valley of the giants, tree canopy walk, Esperance, beaches galore, Albany, middleton beach, great white sharks, Margaret river, wine, busselton, bunbury, broome, cable beach, rabbit proof fence, sunsets, the brig amity, rabbit proof fence, nos 1 2 & 3, frangipani, gold mines, jacaranda, kalgoolie, superpit in daylight, saw it again in 2017 at night, Coolgardie, outback miners, camping, campsites, burnt woodlands, chilling by the pool, Crosby, stills and nash listening, goldmining, gums, swan river, scaddan, murals, Geikie gorge, wave rock, hyden, willare bridge road house, roo steaks, bobby dazzlers, missing the hop on hop off bus, kings park, views, camels, swan river, o’connors landing, freemantle dockside, 1960 £10 poms, blowholes, quairading, blue spill, were estate winery, beacon lookout, Northcliffe eco park, tanker jetty, barrack jetty, torrndirrup, great ocean drive, crocodiles, billy tdea, dampers, bushcraft, drive thru bottle-o’s, ocean lodge hotel in broome, sunset bar, busso jetty walk, narembeen wa, cape Leeuwin, lighthouses, Fitzroy river, aboriginals in Fitzroy crossing, forth beach, oil & water pipelines, kunanarra, emu point, mandurah, munglinup roadhouse, jerramungup, swan river cruise, national parks, the rock, wattle, wild mushroom, shopping outskirts of perth for the loop, dog in a ute cemetery, corrigin, ravensthorpe, wine cellars, skimpies, saloon bars, macho mayor of mount isa upset most aussie women, bell tower, esplanade views, creed barnes surfer memorial, Ravensthorpe jail, pearl luggers bar, outback rig, air north, roos, start of the eyre highway also known as nullarbor crossing (no trees), we will be back to do it in 2013, the bibblemun track, salties, crocodiles. Click on this button to go to GAP YEAR diaries, this covers Western Australia in full, find days 188-209